Tuesday, May 26, 2009

2009 Pinewood Derby cont.

2009 Pinewood Derby

Well, I must say that this years pinewood derby was so much better than last years. No tears this year as Jordan's car did very well. He didn't take the top prize, but he did say he had so much fun and that is all a father could ask for. I love you Jordan.

Monday, May 25, 2009

More Memorial Day Video of the boys

Jordan's Pinewood Derby Car in progress

This year we got a bit of a jump on the pinewood derby. The big race is tomorrow and although we are not trying to win we at the very least want the car to cross the finish line (unlike last year). Jordan was in tears and didn't even want to race his car. We have a few tricks up our sleeve and we'll see if they paid off. We drilled new holes for the axels, melted down some lead and poured it into the body of the car so hopefully we don't have to glue on pennies come race time. Jordan decided on the style, look and color of the car. Lets hope it does better than last year.

The kids outside playing on Memorial Day

Pics of the fromt of our house

We've been working on the front yard - new flowers and lights. It is starting to get where we want it. Also, a few pictures of some changes we have made to the inside of the house.

The boys playing on Memorial Day

You gotta love the rip sticks. These kids remind me of me when I was their age. Tyler and Jordan are getting pulled by their friends on bikes with a tow rope they hold on to while riding their rip sticks (two wheeled skateboard).